Elevate your kitchen's grilling prowess with this exclusive NRES custom add-on 2-burner charbroiler grate. Constructed from durable stainless steel, this top-of-the-line grill boasts adjustable grill tops for optimal cooking flexibility. Whether grilling succulent meats or vibrant vegetables, this charbroiler ensures an even grilling experience, delivering enticing grill marks that will tantalize your customers' taste buds. When not in use, its compact design allows for easy storage, maximizing space utilization in your kitchen. As an exclusive NRES offering, this exceptional grill is not available anywhere else, so don't miss this opportunity to enhance your culinary capabilities. With its spacious width of 12 inches, cooking length of 20 inches, and full length of 27 inches, this charbroiler is the perfect addition to any kitchen looking to expand its grilling repertoire without investing in additional equipment. This is for the grate only.
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